Architecture Vietnam
Van Hien university
Hô Chi Minh City district 7, Vietnam
Located along boulevard Nguyễn Văn Linh, an important transit route between the center of Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, the building must reflect the image of an educational institution At the same time, it must consider the climatic constraints of a tropical country and, in particular, how to effectively protect the teaching rooms from solar radiation. Its design must express the identity of Hung Hau Holdings in the city and stands out from other current universities.
It was important for the project to be visible and identified from Nguyễn Van Linh boulevard. The aim was to make the facade attractive and impressive from the boulevard. The proposed design expressed a set of vertical lines, creating a continuously changing effect on the building: sometimes massive from certain oblique angles or frontally quite open, revealing the interior student life.